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IBUC 2015 16th International Blaise Users Conference
the papers are in PDF format. You can view or download the complete
volume for
a conference or individual papers, which are listed below.
Papers listed by Presentation Subject
Presentation Session 1: The Use of Blaise in Organisations
Translation to transformation - lessons learnt and next challenges for ABS Blaise web survey development Katrina Martin, Australian Bureau of Statistics |
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Experiences in Implementing a Responsive Collection Design (RCD) for Blaise CATI Social Surveys
Éric Joyal, François Laflamme, Statistics Canada |
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Adapting Blaise and SurveyTrak for the developing world: Case study in Ghana Elana Cohen-Khani, Statistics Netherland |
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Technical Improvements and future directions for eCollection and multimodal data capture in the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Monica Kempster, Australian Bureau of Statistics |
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Presentation Session 2: Case Management
A CAPI Logistic System Gerrit de Bolster, Statistics Netherlands
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Lesson learned on preparing and managing multiple modes survey data collection Gina Cheung and Patricia Maher, UM SRC |
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Deploying an Automated Data Read In Process at National Agricultural Statistics Service Roger Schou and Emily Caron, National Agricultural Statistics Service, USA |
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A Technical Solution for a Mixed-Mode Study Hueichun Peng, Andrew Hupp, Jas Sokhal, Max Malhotra, University of Michigan |
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Presentation Session 3: Tools
The Michigan Questionnaire Documentation System (MQDS) Version 5 Update Karl Dinkelmann, Peter Sparks, Jason Ostergren, & Gina-Qian Cheung, University of Michigan |
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Research And Development of EHC:The .NET Questionaire System in EHC Shuai Sun,YongJian Zhang, JiaHui Yao, iSSS of PKU |
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Using the BCP for Creating SAS Datasets and Codebooks Lilia Filippenko, Mai Nguyen, and Chris Carson, RTI International |
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An Improvement of the Application of Blaise CAWI in Verifying Systems of CFPS Shuang Yu, Yongjian Zhang,Jiahui Yao, Peking University |
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Presentation Session 4: Miscellaneous
Prototyping Touchscreen Blaise Applications Karl Dinkelmann, Heidi Guyer, & Rebecca Gatward, University of Michigan |
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Converting the Labour Force Survey to an electronic questionnaire using Blaise 5 Mike Hart, ONS |
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Blaise 5 Server Configuration for Web Surveys Paul Segel, Mangal Subramanian, Richard Frey, Ray Snowden, Westat |
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Presentation Session 5: Blaise 5
Tourist Survey from Blaise 4.8 to Blaise 5 in Norway Jan Haslund, Statistics Norway |
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Rendering a Blaise 5 Survey on Different Devices Richard Frey, Kathleen O’Reagan and Karen Robbins, Westat |
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The 2007 Blaise NG White Paper and the Blaise 5 Result Mark M Pierzchala, MMP Survey Services, LLC |
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Presentation Session 6: Blaise 5
Presentation Session 7: Specific survey requirements
Converting the Administration of Health Measures and Bio Specimen Collection from Paper to CAI Rebecca Gatward, Karl Dinkelmann, Ian Ogden, Piotr Dworak, & Heidi Guyer,Survey Research Center, University of Michigan |
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Programming Blaise for a Multi Questionnaire Study Youhong Liu, Heidi Guyer, Survey Research Center the University of Michigan
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Alternate order of blocks for the CPS-ASEC Instrument Roberto Picha, U.S. Census Bureau |
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Consumer Expenditures Proof of Concept: A Joining of Quarterly and Diary Michael K. Mangiapane – U.S. Census Bureau
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