- IBUC 2023
Durham County, USA
- IBUC 2020
Limassol, Cyprus
- IBUC 2018
Baltimore, USA
- IBUC 2016
The Hague, The Netherlands
- IBUC 2015
Beijing, China
- IBUC 2013
Washington DC, USA
- IBUC 2012
London, UK
- IBUC 2010
Baltimore, USA
- IBUC 2009
Riga, Latvia
- IBUC 2007
Annapolis, USA
- IBUC 2006
Papendal, The Netherlands
- IBUC 2004
Gatineau, Québec, Canada
- IBUC 2003
Copenhagen, Denmark
- IBUC 2001
Washington DC, USA
- IBUC 2000
Kinsale, Ireland
- IBUC 1998
Lillehammer, Norway
- IBUC 1997
Paris, France
- IBUC 1995
Helsinki, Finland
- IBUC 1993
London, England
- IBUC 1992
Voorburg, The Netherlands
IBUG - International Blaise Users Group
The International Blaise User Group (IBUG) is an informal group that brings together people and organisations who use Blaise® in survey
data collection and data processing. The purpose of the IBUG is to promote the use of Blaise and to serve as a forum for discussion and
exchange of ideas and experiences. As an informal group, the IBUG has a chairman but no other officials. The IBUG was founded at the first
International Blaise User Conference (IBUC) in 1992, where Tony Manners (ONS, UK) was selected as the first chairman.
The second chairman was Vesa Kuusela of Statistics Finland (2001-2009). The third one was Hilde Degerdal of Statistics Norway (2009-2016).
The current person chairing the group is Gina Cheung of University of Michigan, SRC.
The most visible activity of the IBUG is a conference organised roughly every 18 months.
Research organisations using Blaise host these International Blaise User Conferences (IBUC). The first IBUC was in Voorburg, Netherlands in 1992.
The next IBUC will be the 21st and will be hosted by Statistics Netherlands. It will take place from April 8th to April 10th 2025 in Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

From left to right: Jelke Bethlehem, Kevin Sweeney, Lon Hofman, Mark Pierzchala, Leif Bochis Madsen, Peter Stegehuis and Sven Sjodin. They all attended the first IBUC in 1992 as well as the 17th one in 2016 where this picture was taken. |