IBUC 1992 1st International Blaise Users Conference
Computer Assisted Survey Methods (CASM) at OPCS and some current issues
in the use of Blaise for the Labour Force Survey
Tony Manners and Nicola Bennet Office of Population Censuses and Surveys,
United Kingdom
Blaise in social surveys at the Netherlands Central Bureau of Statistics
Frans Kerssemakers, Netherlands Central Bureau of Statistics
Labour Force Survey in the Hungarian Central Statistical Office
Karoly Kerepesi, Hungarian Central Statistical Office, Hungary
A prototype system of data exchange for Statistics Finland's CAPI system
Vesa Kuusela, Central Statistical Office, Finland
Using Blaise for complex surveys of household finances
Jil Matheson, Office of Population Censuses and Surveys, United Kingdom
The introduction of CAPI, using Blaise, to Government Surveys in Northern
Ireland: The 'Big Bang' and its consequences
Kevin F. Sweeney, Department of Finance & Personnel, Central Survey Unit,
Northern Ireland
Generating multiple versions of questionnaires
Mark Pierzchala, National Agricultural Statistics Service, USA
Blaise and the agricultural census
Hans de Jong Netherlands Central Bureau of Statistics
Surveys to evaluate British Rail's rolling stock
George Terzis, The MVA Consultancy, United Kingdom
The use of Blaise for administrative purposes
Johan Lammers, Netherlands Central Bureau of Statistics
A possible future development for the Blaise system
Gary Dunnet, New Zealand Department of Statistics, New Zealand
Blaise in a Danish context
Jan Noordhoek and Leif Bochis, Danmarks Statistik, Denmark
Finnish National Health Interview Survey using Blaise CATI
Thomas Byckling Central Statistical Office, Finland
Use of Blaise in the Housing Census
Jan Wieringa and Glenn Fokker, Netherlands Central Bureau of Statistics
New features in Blaise 2 .4
Martje Roessingh and Peter Stegehuis, Netherlands Central Bureau of Statistics
The choice of Blaise in the Family Resources Survey
Stuart Mitchenall and Rory MacNeill, SIA, United Kingdom
The development of the Family Resources Survey in Blaise for the Department
of Social Security, G.B .
Paddy Costigan and Sven Sjodin, Social and Community Planning Research, and
Katarina Thomson, Joint Centre for Survey Methods, United Kingdom
Some applications of weighting with Bascula
Robert Göttgens, Netherlands Central Bureau of Statistic
Some applications of file manipulation with Manipula
Lon Hofman, Netherlands Central Bureau of Statistics
Electronic publishing at the Netherlands Central Bureau of Statistics
Anco Hundepool Netherlands Central Bureau of Statistic
Blaise to its limits
Dirk Sikkel and Mylene van Veldhoven, Research International Nederland BV,
The future of Blaise
Maarten Schuerhoff and Guus Razoux Schultz, Netherlands Central Bureau of