INTERNATIONAL BLAISE USER GROUP | an independent organization open to all Blaise users from around the world |
IBUC 1993 2nd | Papers | Programme | Participants |
IBUC 1993 2nd International Blaise Users Conference
The experience of CAPI and Blaise for the Labour Force Survey in France Conversion of a major probability survey to Blaise
-the National Agricultural Statistical Service experience. TECHNICAL ADVANCES IRetrospective questioning: new possibilities with Blaise Use of prior information in Blaise CATI surveys COMPLEX SURVEYSIntegrated field and office editing in Blaise:
OPCS's experience of complex financial surveys Lessons learned programming a large, complex
CAPI questionnaire TECHNICAL ADVANCES IIExperience with using the Blaise system for
conjoint measurement of travel behaviour An architecture for EDI in business surveys based
on the use of Blaise
STANDARDSStandard multi-survey shells in NASS
Introducing CAI standards within OPCS
AGENCY EXPERIENCES IICustomer satisfaction system
Blaise applications in Statistics New Zealand
TECHNICAL ADVANCES III : CODINGThe Blaise coding facilities - a closer look
Trigram coding in the Family Expenditure Survey
of the CBS
OUTPUTS FROM BLAISEOutputs from Blaise surveys
Electronic dissemination of statistical data ORGANISATIONAL ISSUESPAPI to CAPI : the OPCS experience