IBUC 1995 3rd International Blaise Users Conference
Macro-Editing with Blaise III
Jelke Bethlehem and Lon Hofman, Statistics Netherlands
Computer Assisted Occupation Coding
Diane Bushnell, Office of Population Censuses and Surveys, UK
The CAI system of Statistics Norway
Hilde Degerdal, Thomas Hoel and Truls Thirud, Statistics Norway
CAPI PLUS et Blaise III : une organisation générale pour les enquêtes
de I'Insee
F. Dussert et G. Luciani, Institut National de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques (INSEE) France
Training Interviewers in the Use of Blaise
Chris Goodger, Office of Population Censuses and Surveys, UK
An Object-Based Approach for the Handling of Survey Data.
James Gray, Office of Population Censuses and Surveys, UK
Performance and Design
Jean-Pierre Kent, Statistics Netherlands
Interviewer Interface of the CAPI system of Statistics Finland
Vesa Kuusela, Statistics Finland
The UK Family Expenditure Survey in Blaise: Lessons from Trials and Experience
Tony Manners, Office of Population Censuses and Surveys, UK
(paper available only in the printed volume and from author)
Role of Manipula Programs in Support of a Blaise III v1.05 Institutional CATI Study
Patrick Murphy, Battelle/Survey Research Associates USA
Development of a Complex Longitudinal Computer-Assisted Questionnaire for Studying Infant
James M. O' Reilly, Research Triangle Institute USA
The 1995 June Area Frame Project
Mark Pierzchala, National Agricultural Statistics Service USA
Total Quality and Computer-Assisted Interviewing; frames, definitions and tools for planning
a total quality system
Pentti Pietilä and Hannu Niemi, Statistics Finland
Selective and Automatic editing with CADI-applications
Frank van de Pol, Willem Molenaar, Statistics Netherlands
Developing a Multi-Mode Survey System
Roger Schou, National Agricultural Statistics Service, USA
From Products to Systems: Addressing the Needs of CAI Surveys at Westat
James E. Smith, Westat Inc., USA
Use of Blaise and Manipula in the Annual Survey of Employment and Wages
Leo van Toor, Statistics Netherlands
CAPI and the Collection of Living Conditions Data; A User's View
Ari Tyrkkö and Hilkka Vihavainen, Statistics Finland
Update from "Downunder"; History, plans and functions we've built for CAI and
Blaise in Australia
Fred Wensing and the CAI team at ABS
Advances in Automated and Computer Assisted Coding Software at Statistics Canada
M. J. Wenzowski, Statistics Canada
MANIPLUS, A powerful environment for managing Blaise III applications
Hans Wings and Lon Hofman, Statistics Netherlands